The term chimera was a reference in mythology to a creature comprised of the characteristics of more than one animal . . .
I remember reading about the possibility of genetically altering some animal DNA with human DNA on the pretext of possibly needed transplants . . . I stepped out of man-made health care many years ago, and none too soon, but this concept is really eerie.
I knew medical science was already using vessels from pigs in replacing valves, etc. which should give most logical folks pause, in consuming pork. It must be fairly close to human flesh to be used in heart surgery. Since I don't eat pork and I don't go to doctors, I don't feel this is my issue, but we need to really consider what may transpire if the DNA of animals is engineered with human DNA.
The article below covers a university study of DNA engineering on sheep. These are animals in our food supply. What happens when these animals mate and breed? Will the engineered DNA be dominate? We've already seen that with vegetables and Monsanto.
We are making the world a very scary, blurry place now that the wisdom of man which was already called foolishness by our Creator, is being funded to actually alter creation. Creation was called, GOOD, by our Creator.
I cannot imagine what the judgment will be for this kind of arrogance.
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