I haven't actually taken a survey, but it seems high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes, are at an all time high. I realize I'm going to sound a little jaded with this next statement, but in the case of all three of these issues, there isn't a cure, only a long term symptom management, a.k.a. lifetime prescription.
As I read the statistics and the increase in prescriptions, and I didn't even address anti-anxiety medications, I can't help but notice two things. One, it seems that all of our information is focused on making people upset or divided or hopeless. Two, all of the programmed information is surrounded as well as includes pharmaceutical advertisement. Then, there's the religious nationalism, that seems to keep people upset and angry, while television preachers are telling everyone to have a positive mental attitude. Sort of reminds me of what Jeremiah was dealing with.
I'm really seeing a direct correlation between the anger that is incited by media and news, the health tests that reveal an " ongoing need" for one of the big pharmaceuticals, and the pressure to "keep the faith" when the guy talking is not walking in the Power!
Now, I certainly cannot make a diagnosis, but I can ask a few questions and I can share an observation. How many people lived to a ripe old age before political hate mongering was an American pass time? How many Americans lived with whatever ailed them or didn't before there were all the tests promoting results that required the latest pharmaceutical? How many people feel "fine" until the test says they aren't?
This religious nationalism that has served to divide over hot button issues without resolution may actually be contributing to the fulfillment of the Words of Y'hshuwah, when He spoke of men's heart's failing them.
I can't imagine anything harder on the human body, than a diet in rebellion of the Creator's Instructions, anger and division of just what the American dream is, while hearing we must speak positive faith and demonstrate unconditional love!
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