Sunday, February 23, 2014

Disability is Not a Blessing

I've actually heard people say their disability is a blessing.  I am not in a position to judge that, but usually that statement is followed in association with an income.  I have MS, and it comes with symptoms, but I am not disabled.  Since my life's work is a call to serve YHWH, and I am able to do that, I'm not disabled.  If I couldn't do what I was created and purposed to do, that might be another matter . . . but I don't believe our Creator would call us to do something and then not give us the strength to do it.

The grace to continue to function with the disability or around the disability or in spite of the disability is a blessing.  The fact that I am blessed to receive natural formulas for symptom management is a blessing, and one I am blessed to be able to share.  I'm in my mid fifties, so even if I didn't have MS, life comes with a few reminders of accidents and poor health practices of days gone by.  Due to a few old injuries, I can forecast a coming storm with the best of the meteorologists.  Due to some bad decision, I live with some scars, but I'm alive and I'm able to do what I'm called to do!

Years ago, when I walked away from mainstream medicine, I had 12 prescriptions for symptom management, CNS issues, and 3 additional prescriptions through an exacerbation.  It was nearly 20 years ago that I stopped the 12 prescriptions and went natural remedies for symptom management.  I did utilize the mainstream high power remedies for an exacerbation until 2001, but I also noticed in the time of walking away from the mainstream maintenance drugs, and dramatically improved my diet, I had fewer exacerbations.  My symptoms were dramatically improved when I stopped using aspartame.  As I said, I'm not symptom free and as I get older, I am reminded that I absolutely need Abbas strength in my accumulated weakness.

The previous paragraph is not exactly accurate.  When I left mainstream medicine all together in 2001, I wasn't walking.  I was in a wheel chair and had been very sickened by the treatment, and even worse, betrayed by family and friends to the point the powers that be actually came to my place of residence to see if it was acceptable for me to live there alone.  That was 2001, long before Obamacare, that some agency or aging and disability had that much power.  It was also recommended that I apply for disability and court ordered mainstream treatment was considered, but dropped.  I was a legal adult in a supposedly free country before 9/11 occurred.  I tried to always consider my exacerbations to be temporary, and I tried to have recovery plans.  Some times were scarier than others.  I knew in my heart, if I went on disability, I would become permanently disabled, my health would deteriorate.

I left and I remain outside of mainstream medicine and really most of mainstream to this day.  I had one little spell in which I used my wheel chair in 2002 for a just a little bit of time, and I do walk with a walking stick, but I'm walking.  Not only am I walking, I'm homesteading and raising a great deal of my remedies!  I don't use so many though these days.  I have natural Vitamin D, organic vegetables, raw milk, and meat with no growth hormones or antibiotics.   There are physical things that I can no longer do, and I am aware of my limitations, but I also know I can do so much more than I would be doing if I'd chosen to receive disability income and had remained on mainstream medications.

I can do all things through Messiah which strengtheneth me. 

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Another Formula

Seems, I'm getting a real crash course in "be ready."  Another formula came to me as I was working in the lab, and it wasn't two days later, I received a question about the very issue, the properties in the formula address.

I've been struggling, literally for some time now, as I am being led to walk away from homeopathy.  I wanted to see it differently than modern medicine, but YHWH continued to stir conviction in my spirit.  For a time, I really tried to categorize it as my usual "guilt complex" and self-condemnation, but I knew better.  I know His voice, but He didn't speak anything; this was just a check that wouldn't go away.  He didn't tell me not to do it, but there was always a question when I'd reach for a homeopathic product, or prepare to make a new order.

Years ago, I studied to be a Diplomat of Homeopathy, as we are called.  Through the years though, I just keep hearing Acts 4:13.  Most of my education is in alternative studies, so my knowledge doesn't count in most circles, which is understandable, considering our society and culture.  I got caught up for a time, myself, in the worship of education and degrees.  At one time, I was absolutely convinced if I just got the right piece of paper in my hand, I'd be respected.  Well, thankfully, my mother proved that to not be the case, so I delved a bit deeper.

As I have asked to walk out the book of Acts, and I believe I have been given just a taste of what is to come, I now have a deeper understanding of just what it is to actually live and serve the G-d of Israel and follow His Son according to the path of the book of Acts.  We modern disciples are in the same position Paul was, as we didn't know Messiah when He walked this earth, but by that same token, we can have the same promise and power in our lives.

Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Y'hshuwah.  Acts 4:13

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Yet Another "Be Ready"

As many know, I have a natural health and beauty business as well as this publication and the homestead.  In all my years of practicing alternative health modalities, I've had to be very careful in the terminology.  The fact that nature and created remedies are termed alternative gives an indication as to how backward everything has become . . . so, I choose terms carefully.

When a formula contains healing properties, I warn against the potential side effect of what that is.  For instance, and this only a for instance, I don't have the product, but . . . If YHWH gave me a natural formula to balance blood sugar, I'd prepare it and the label warning would read:  This product has been known to cause a decrease in blood sugar levels, so if you are insulin dependent, take note.  So many people try to mix and match and hope for the best and it's always the "alternative remedies" and herbs that get blamed!

Now, back to my latest and I will be including more information as I get ready to unveil the latest line of products.  I was working on some general tonic type oils and extracts, when YHWH told me to formulate a remedy for ears.  Obviously, I was a bit taken aback as I don't usually make products in this manner.  We've all read the promos for the big Essential Oil businesses.  It's mostly things to balance and ward off, although now they are really getting scary with all the recommendations to actually ingest these products.

A drop or two to flavor 4 ounces of home made toothpaste or breath freshener, but I don't ever advise to take Essential Oils orally.

So, when I wrote down the formula and combined it in a small glass amber bottle, I simply labeled it and looked up the best Hebrew term, because I pray over the products as I pack the orders, and I like to be talking the Healer's language as I pray.  It wasn't two weeks, I received a phone call from someone.  The conversation covered many aspects of life, and then about fifteen minutes into the discussion, this person suddenly asked me if I had any products or ideas for an ear problem they'd been experiencing.

Whoa!  Of course, I had to share the testimony of what I'd been led to do, and told them, the product would be on it's way.  The beauty of this situation is simple.  YHWH gave me the formula, so in that I've been freely given.  The cost of ingredients is my only expense and if that person is helped and can afford it, great.  If not, I know YHWH had this planned.  He'll make sure the costs are covered.