In last week's article, I said I did not consider a disability to be a blessing. I still don't, but my health situation has been used in my life to teach me many things. I've learned to maximize my effort and to not waste steps. My health issue causes a decreased energy level, so I need to make every move count and do things well the first time. Doing things twice takes three times the energy. Doing it wrong the first time, undoing it, then doing it over again.
I've also learned that there are no guarantees in life, and while we acknowledge that our days are numbered, we may not feel just "peachy keen" for all of them. Although patience is a virtue, and a fruit of the Spirit, a.k.a. long-suffering in the KJV, it's not an attribute to which I would naturally aspire, but with MS, there are days, I have no choice. I can verify, His strength is made perfect in our weakness.
There is one fact in this disease that has given me amazing spiritual insight. One of the progressive symptoms of MS is of course limited motion, which manifests differently in various ones of us. My neck has lost a great deal of it's flexibility, and I often refer to myself as a "stiff-necked people." In that though, my ability to look to the right or to the left is extremely limited without moving my entire torso. There are many times in a day, in which this symptom serves as a reminder of that passage in Joshua, and to keep moving straight ahead. I'm reminded it doesn't matter what is looming aside, I am on the narrow path.
One other significant symptom that has developed through the years is the inability to step backward. I can climb a ladder to the top rung, but I can't get back down. Those ladders in the swimming pool, I can climb out, but jumping or diving is my only method in. I was sharing with a friend, every time I am reminded of this, and I'm usually in a bit of a bind when I realize it, I think of the passage that once we have put our hand to the plow, to not look back. Every morning, I am blessed to arise and walk this place, doing chores. I am thankful to not have all the symptoms that come with this diagnosis, and so grateful that His grace is sufficient. We must keep moving forward in our walk and for believers, forward is following our Messiah to our Creator.
I still don't refer to MS as a blessing, but at times, it is quite a teacher!
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