Sunday, February 9, 2014

Yet Another "Be Ready"

As many know, I have a natural health and beauty business as well as this publication and the homestead.  In all my years of practicing alternative health modalities, I've had to be very careful in the terminology.  The fact that nature and created remedies are termed alternative gives an indication as to how backward everything has become . . . so, I choose terms carefully.

When a formula contains healing properties, I warn against the potential side effect of what that is.  For instance, and this only a for instance, I don't have the product, but . . . If YHWH gave me a natural formula to balance blood sugar, I'd prepare it and the label warning would read:  This product has been known to cause a decrease in blood sugar levels, so if you are insulin dependent, take note.  So many people try to mix and match and hope for the best and it's always the "alternative remedies" and herbs that get blamed!

Now, back to my latest and I will be including more information as I get ready to unveil the latest line of products.  I was working on some general tonic type oils and extracts, when YHWH told me to formulate a remedy for ears.  Obviously, I was a bit taken aback as I don't usually make products in this manner.  We've all read the promos for the big Essential Oil businesses.  It's mostly things to balance and ward off, although now they are really getting scary with all the recommendations to actually ingest these products.

A drop or two to flavor 4 ounces of home made toothpaste or breath freshener, but I don't ever advise to take Essential Oils orally.

So, when I wrote down the formula and combined it in a small glass amber bottle, I simply labeled it and looked up the best Hebrew term, because I pray over the products as I pack the orders, and I like to be talking the Healer's language as I pray.  It wasn't two weeks, I received a phone call from someone.  The conversation covered many aspects of life, and then about fifteen minutes into the discussion, this person suddenly asked me if I had any products or ideas for an ear problem they'd been experiencing.

Whoa!  Of course, I had to share the testimony of what I'd been led to do, and told them, the product would be on it's way.  The beauty of this situation is simple.  YHWH gave me the formula, so in that I've been freely given.  The cost of ingredients is my only expense and if that person is helped and can afford it, great.  If not, I know YHWH had this planned.  He'll make sure the costs are covered.

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