Sunday, May 26, 2013

Reprogramming DNA

Some folks refer to DNA reprogramming as "junk science," but we need to remember evolution was termed and still is by many to be junk science as well, but that's not stopping it from being presented as fact.

Now political correctness tells us science says someone is born gay and you can't pray the gay away, but some science also tells us DNA can be reprogrammed . . . So, if someone is born a particular way, some science says with reprogramming, our DNA can be changed. Clearly this is not a recommendation for anyone to be forced into reprogramming, but for those who would like to change their life, it sounds like there is in fact evidence indicating that is truly possible.

Let's face facts. Behavior, any behavior is a choice. We can have a leaning or interest toward something, but taking action on that interest is a completely different matter. Contained the following:

>>>One can simply use words and sentences of the human language! This, too, was experimentally proven! Living DNA substance (in living tissue, not in vitro) will always react to language-modulated laser rays and even to radio waves, if the proper frequencies are being used.
This finally and scientifically explains why affirmations, autogenous training, hypnosis and the like can have such strong effects on humans and their bodies. It is entirely normal and natural for our DNA to react to language.

Something to think about in this claim . . .

Society appears to want to have it both ways, but clearly it's one way or the other. Experts cannot say it's impossible to change an interest or preference through prayer or faith, and then turn around and say, words can change the very core of a human being.

I have no reason to doubt that DNA can be altered. Monsanto does it all the time.
While I'm on the subject of genetic engineering, how do we know someone is born a specific way or if the genetically altered food changes the genes of the consumer? We know most soy crops are GMO, and many baby formulas contain soy. Organic unaltered soy contains properties that can affect hormone levels. How do we know genetically modified soy doesn't produce modified hormonal side effects in the consumer?

Whether humans can be reprogrammed or societally redesigned, change of behavior is possible. Words and images can alter and incite interests. If change of interests which resulted in different behavior were not possible, what would be the purpose of advertising?

Obviously, I don't have scientific research, only questions, but thus far; the scientific research that has been done doesn't answer them.

Even if science hasn't fully proven words can change DNA, advertising, public education, and political agendas have proven words can change perspective and behavior.

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