How much heart disease and circulatory issues could be avoided by a kosher diet? Swine was not considered food in Y'hshuwah's day, nor did Peter's vision cause it to be declared food . . . yet, I digress.
Pork went to the table purely based on the love of money. One sow can have two litters of pigs a year and a litter is usually at least a dozen. Pigs grow fast, creating a diet boiled down to the profit margin. I use this example, even before offering Scripture. Bacon is all the rage right now, with all sorts of bacon flavored items hitting the shelves. The pork used to make bacon is not what makes it taste good, it's all the flavoring folks want. Without smoke, maple and brown sugar; bacon is just sliced fat.
American pork is a result of fast income and quick profit . . . nothing more and certainly nothing less. Sows give birth to a litter anywhere between 8 and 16. Each piglet grows rapidly to butcher size in 6 months or less, weighing nearly 200 pounds in less than six months. Chickens, even with DNA tampering don't do much better than 3 pounds in 8 to 12 weeks.
As for real meat that is kosher, cows produce 1 calf that takes 18 to 24 months to butcher weight. Goats often kid twins or even triplets, but range from 9 to 18 months for meat production at far less than 200 pounds . . . far less. Pork is a money maker, and that is all . . . well that and Scripturally, the receptacle for demons cast out . . .
Keeping a kosher diet is not legalism, it is wisdom, it is health!