Sunday, April 26, 2015

Discernment in Health

One of my granddaughters came into this world with a special health issue, and recently incurred another one.  There were complications when she was born, and ultimately we were told she needed a gastric tube for eating.  I knew better and wasn't long until I heard YHWH and was given a vision . . .  At the time I was mocked, and now the story has been retold to take the glory from Abba, but I stand on His Truth and it hasn't changed.  In this recent situation, the same mockers did the same mocking, but again, I knew what I heard and saw.

Upon hearing all the bad reports of my new little grandbaby's health, I of course, prayed.  As a matter of fact, I was praying long before they arrived, she was one of twins, and in all my singing, she seemed to actually recognize Amazing Grace at birth.  This was evident, in that the nurses actually came and got me from my daughter's room to sing to her as they could not calm that little tiny girl.   Through the course of hospital protocol, her care became complicated for a time.  She was moved to another hospital in a larger city and her twin came home with mama.  Since my daughter was staying with me already, we just traded days and nights with each baby for three weeks.  Through those three weeks, the baby in the hospital did not gain any weight and did not respond to their "therapy."  The therapy was obviously ridiculous and pointless, but I was already dubbed the "nutty religious grandma."  Yes, I anointed her with oil in the NICU!

The one problem with her being released from the hospital was she was not allowed liquids.  What do you feed a 3 week old infant besides liquids?  With her failure to respond to their therapy, we were going to be allowed to take her home with an NG tube for one week.  If she didn't gain weight, they would gain legal authority to intervene with surgery.  I will never forget sitting in that conference room with my daughter, social workers, doctors, etc. and my daughter looking me squarely in the eyes with tears in hers, and asked, "Mom, are you sure you heard G-d?"  I nodded my head responded with, "Yes."   Three days before her release, in all the hubbub of this situation, I was heading into my office, when I saw the vision.  It was simple and quick.  On top of my three drawer file cabinet sat a huge can of baby formula with a prayer shawl draped over it.  I blinked at it was gone, but the image remains in my mind to this day.  I knew that was what was needed for my granddaughter.  I went to the fabric store, purchased linen muslin, would be receiving the formula sample from the hospital new baby kit when she came home, so I was ready!  The one thing after preparing this was hearing and knowing to offer this right before we fed her through the NG tube, when she was actually hungry.  Abba clearly told me, "She would respond and eat."

The evening she came home, her feeding was to be at 9pm, so I place about a teaspoon of powdered formula on the little cloth, tied it with a pink ribbon, and moistened it.  As her mom prepared her formula for the tube, I took that baby upstairs, began singing and rocking, and placed the little food bundle to her lips.  Within a moment, that baby was sucking on that formula filled cloth!  Sucking hard enough, we discovered she had dimples!  We worked with this for nearly a week offering that before administering the tube feeding, when that little baby pulled the tube out herself.  At her week check up she'd either gained 5 ounces or weighed 5 pounds, now I don't remember, but it was a definite gain.  The first weight gain since her birth!  Her first full sentence would come 13 months later while eating out with the naysayers.  She took a bite and said, "It's so good!"

Sixteen years later, this little baby is practically all grown up.  She truly enjoys sports and was riding her bike recently when she was hit by a car.  Praise Adonai, she was not injured terribly, but she did receive some bruises and contusions.  I found out through social media . . . The report was from the ER, no broken bones, the obvious bruises and contusions, torn ligaments, and possible concussion.  Of course I prayed and asked many of my friends to join me.  Prayers were going up for that little girl from all over the globe.  Her Xrays had presumably been read by a radiologist and the ER doctor, but something just didn't look right about her ankle or foot, so I prayed for insight and received it.

With insurance being what it is today, I was concerned that something was being ignored to expedite the case and minimize the expense.  When I spoke up on social media in regard to the later photos posted, the thread went ugly quite rapidly, so I pulled it, knowing she would be seen by an orthopedic surgeon.  I had simply stated, and now I wish I'd left the proof . . . that between the ankle and foot there was a fracture or chip or some sort of bone injury.  The orthopedic surgeon read the Xrays and said no break just torn ligaments.  I remained adamant that it was a bone injury.  I knew what I'd heard and I could see from the photo!  The specialist did recommend one more test, an MRI, just to put everyone's mind at ease.  My granddaughter contacted me following that test to report to say, "Interestingly, the MRI showed a crack in my heel . . ."

Whether we want to admit it or not, as a society, we have placed our faith in modern medicine, and that is just as idolatrous as any other false god.  In prayer I heard what the problem was.  What three experts missed with Xrays, a "nutty religious grandma" heard from our Creator.

Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.  Jeremiah 33:3

Monday, April 20, 2015

Unhealthy Relationships Can Make Us Sick

                                             Contributed by Judith Dennis

BeInHealth Update:

Many diseases seem to come out of nowhere. The medical community says the etiology is unknown, which means doctors have no idea how it originated. The Bible says we are spiritual beings. We have a spirit, and a soul, and we live in a "mobile home" called a body! When there is something wrong in our spirit, that problem can become a diagnosed disease in the body.

Bad relationships can damage us to the core. Being rejected, abandoned, and having a broken heart, are the foundations for sickness. Sometimes in relationships we may find ourselves wanting to please people but feel unable. Maybe we are still re-living old relationship mistakes from the past. Maybe we read the Word and all we hear is guilt and condemnation, self-hatred, and heaviness that come from our failures, and can be destructive to the heart and the body. People who get stuck in grief, guilt, or anger are targets for the enemy who comes to kill, steal, and destroy.That road never leads to peace, joy, or anything else God promises.

God has a better way! Forgiveness, love, joy, patience, kindness, and self-control are some of the fruits of a relationship with Him. The chemicals released by unforgiveness coming out of bitterness are extremely destructive to our body. Forgiving others is the most important thing you can do for your health.

Mark 11:26 But if ye do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses.
We can leave behind all the harm of the past and choose God's way instead. That's where healing begins. When we trust God to lead us into all truth, we can approach relationships without fear of rejection and abandonment. Our lives will be peaceful and whole. That's good for our health!
Just thinking!