Sunday, March 22, 2015

No More Sorcery!

I took care of ulcers with cabbage juice, aloe vera, and cayenne pepper.  I'd struggled with ulcers for years and years, and I felt convicted to stop taking pharmaceuticals for chronic conditions.  I was on a number of prescriptions due to MS and ulcers.  Back then the treatment plan for MS was basically various pharmaceuticals to address symptoms, so there were a number of prescriptions.  Obviously, there is still no cure for MS, but I knew I could address the ulcer problem.  Rather than just kill the acid production in my stomach, which I knew would eventually result in more problems, I wanted the ulcers healed.
Mainstream treatment for chronic conditions

I needed a natural remedy or change of diet.  Within three weeks of the concoction in the previous paragraph, my ulcers were gone.  That was back in the day before prilosec was OTC and I never filled the "prilosec prescription."  I did not receive a momentary instant healing, but the symptoms never returned.  MS symptoms and management have proven much more difficult than ulcers.  As a matter of fact, although I did away with symptom managing prescriptions, I did use mainstream medicine in two isolated MS exacerbations before simply stating "No More Sorcery."

That's what I want to discuss, and this article will not address congenital issues or accidents.  This is for adults making decisions about our own health.   While we claim to believe our Creator heals, and proclaim that His Son brought salvation, deliverance, and healing to all who will believe, most are walking in various levels of health issues and/or pain.  With the exception of accidents, most of our maladies didn't come upon us overnight!  We have a tendency to place our Heavenly Father on some sort of timetable and if He doesn't make it happen quickly, we're off to the doctor! I've heard the justification for combining faith with mainstream medicine in the basic statement that "G-d gave the doctors wisdom and we simply pray that HE guides their hands in surgery and provides the needed knowledge in the treatment plan . . ."  Then there's the tried and true rationalization for going for X rays, lab work, tests, and procedures . . . "so we know how to pray."

Apparently our society has programmed people to believe; although wisdom comes from our Creator, He needs test results to know how to guide the doctors.  Let that sink in for just a moment . . .

It is not easy to walk away from the sorcery of our society.  Pharmakeia is mainstream, but the Word of our Creator stands forever and He promised to keep us in health if we observe and obey His commands.  The Revelation is also very clear regarding the word "pharmakeia."  Although the term was translated "sorceries," the original is easily found and clearly recognizable as the root word of pharmacy and pharmaceuticals.  This is more than a matter of physical convenience, according to Scripture, it's a matter of faith with eternal consequence.
And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk:  Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts.  Revelation 9:20-21

There is, of course, Good News and Instructions!

But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.  Isaiah 53:5

And said, If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of YHWH thy G-d, and wilt do that which is right in His sight, and wilt give ear to His commandments, and keep all His statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am YHWH that healeth thee.  Exodus 15:26

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Modern Medicine

Although medicine has become a much more central part of our society, physicians and the practice of medicine is far from modern.  Pharmaceuticals are what's new.  Physicians are mentioned in Scripture.  The term, physician, appears eleven times in Scripture, six of which are in the accounts of the Gospel.  Paul mentioned Luke in one of his letters as the beloved physician.  The term appears four times in the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament.)  Physicians are mentioned as early as Genesis.   It is recorded that physicians embalmed Jacob.  That's not exactly the image of a physician that we hold to, today.

The account of King Asa in II Chronicles first spoke to me about the choice our society has made, yet doesn't admit.  Most of our society absolutely swears that our Creator uses doctors to heal us, but the following verse doesn't indicate that at all, quite the opposite, actually!
  And Asa in the thirty and ninth year of his reign was diseased in his feet, until his disease was exceeding great: yet in his disease he sought not to YHWH, but to the physicians.  II Chronicles 16:12
King Asa was considered a good king, but the decision to seek physicians was in direct opposition to seeking YHWH.  The description of the illness sounds like it would be frightening.  I likened it to my own battle with MS and not being able to feel or stand on my feet.  There were a couple of times after becoming a believer in which I sought physicians when the symptoms of MS seemed "exceeding great," and thankfully I was allowed another chance after I repented.  King Asa wasn't given that opportunity.
And Asa slept with his fathers, and died in the one and fortieth year of his reign.  II Chronicles 16:13
This account of King Asa has brought to mind many in our society who still die after seeking mainstream health care, but we say "the health care bought them so much more time . . ."  Did it really?  Obviously, none of us can answer that.  King Asa lived two years after seeking physicians, but we have no details as to the quality of his life.  I know this isn't the mindset of our Western culture, but perhaps his life wasn't prolonged two years as much as his death was dragged out for two years.  I'm not at all suggesting passively ignoring health problems, and neither is this passage.  Through out Scripture, we are told to seek YHWH, He is our Healer.  We're also told in Exodus, if we follow His Torah, we'll be healthy; also, lso not a popular teaching in our Western culture.  We prefer to remove or at least ignore the spiritual factor of our health.

The accounts of the Gospel clearly acknowledge that physicians were around at the same time Y'hshuwah walked this earth, yet there is no record that he ever sent anyone to a physician, nor do we find that the apostles recommended Luke.  Hebrews states that Messiah Y'hshuwah is the same yesterday, today, and forever.  If Messiah acknowledged physicians over 2000 years ago, and it's even recorded that the woman with the issue of blood spent her life savings on healthcare; what makes our modern medicine so different from the practice of medicine in Bible times?

Hippocrates, considered the father of modern medicine, actually lived about 400 years before Messiah was born.  Modern medicine is far from new, as Hippocrates work actually predated Messiah's earthly ministry.  The following paragraph links to an article about him.    Medical historians generally look to Hippocrates as the founder of medicine as a rational science.  It was Hippocrates who finally freed medicine from the shackles of magic, superstition, and the supernatural.
Scripture is clear that our Healer is very much supernatural and the accounts of the Gospel bear witness that much of Messiah's ministry involved healing.  There is absolutely no record that Messiah sent anyone to physicians for healing, when He walked this earth, so why would he send us now?

Y'hshuwah Messiah the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.  Hebrews 13:8 

Sunday, March 8, 2015


I'm trying to stay minimal "soap boxy" and not get all "brow beaty" but the side effects of pharmaceuticals is becoming an epidemic of it's own.  In searching Scripture for another article, I came across the second definition of the Greek term that bears the root word for our English word "pharmaceutical."

farmakeiva Pharmakeia
  1. the use or the administering of drugs
  2. poisoning 
Suddenly, my light came on brightly!  Of course, pharmaceuticals are poison.  They are formulated to kill or reduce.  These chemicals kill various things.  Some of them kill bacteria, some are said to kill viruses, antibiotics kill infection, and some kill pain.  Now, there is also a plethora of pharmaceuticals formulated to take the rest of our lives that reduce blood pressure, reduce blood sugar, reduce cholesterol, and an entire host of poisons to reduce the effects of stress.  

Psychiatric meds are troublesome on two levels because pharmaceuticals do not encourage life, and most psychiatric meds alter the chemicals in the brain with more pronounced side-effects than improvements.  The other problem with psychiatric meds is the fact that often these individuals are prone to depression and an overdose of these prescription poisons can be lethal.

Logically speaking, the fact that each pharmaceutical is precisely measured and prescribed according to specific bodily variables, is a clear indication any amount over what is considered "safe" can be hazardous.  Granted there are some herbs that must be monitored and there are some toxic plants, but by and large, the toxic plants are not medicinal and the average person would be hard pressed to consume enough remedy herbs to injure themselves over the short term.  An herbalist can offer clear and simple information regarding herbal use and consumption safety.  Doctors and pharmacists can offer only one two-part statement:  Take as directed.  In case of possible overdose, call poison control.   Even the professionals that use pharmaceuticals admit problems are handled by "poison control."  How many pharmaceuticals are called a "controlled substance?"

The possible side effects of proper use of pharmaceuticals is virtually endless and sadly, the figures of those who die from medical errors and reactions to the medications range from 100,000 to 400,000 per year.
One would have to choose to miss the direct correlation between the Greek term pharmakeia and the English pharmaceutical.   Just as Strong's Exhaustive Concordance gives the meaning to be poisoning, the PDR and precise dosage measurement confirms the word from Greek to English does not change the meaning.  Poison is poison! 

Monday, March 2, 2015

I Don't Define by "Anti . . . "

It's so easy to define one's self as anti-pharmaceutical, anti-vaccination, and definitely anti-Big Pharma, but in my case the reality is, I am pro-YHWH Raphah and He doesn't share His glory with anything counterfeit or copied!  He created herbs for our use and states it right there in His Word.  He sent His Son that we can be forgiven, delivered, and healed.  Although in my beliefs, I do not use pharmaceuticals, I do stand with the anti-vaxxers and against Big Pharma, my beliefs are so much more positive and certainly lie in The One who is so much more powerful!
I am YHWH: that is My Name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images.  Isaiah 42:8

I am not "anti," though, because there are many who do not believe our Creator heals, or they have been taught that He relies on modern medicine, so they do need these products.  It's truly a matter of faith, and it's not my call to insist that everyone believe as I do.  It is my call to make sure those who do place their faith in YHWH are encouraged and lifted before the Throne of Glory as they stand on the Rock that is higher than we are!  It is also my call to stand in faith as Peter penned in his first letter 3:15 . . .  be ready, always to give an answer to anyone who asks, the reason for the hope in me . . .

I have studied herbs and oils extensively for a number of years, as well as some alternative health modalities. Although I have been led away from homeopathy, I did study and complete the education curriculum.  I am a Master Herbalist, a certified massage therapist, specializing in Swedish massage and trigger point therapy, a reflexologist, iridologist, and aroma therapist.  As I saw governmental regulation taking on a new control, I did not choose to become state licensed in 1999, so I no longer practice Swedish massage therapy in my state of residence.  It's such a blessing that all the other areas of my study are not even recognized officially by legislators and regulators, so I do continue to share my knowledge and abilities in all these other areas.   HalleluYah!

I stand firmly in the fact that what our Creator has made can be quite helpful in health management, but for true health we must observe His commandments regarding diet and rest.  Essential oils, herbal extracts, and reflexology can be helpful in symptom management, but a kosher diet of real food and Sabbath rest truly make all the difference in physical health.  We know health care is being changed in this country, but as I write this, I have been shown the change that is coming in our health care will make it a very powerful arm of control.  Time is of the essence for those who would seek our Creator for full health care, to begin seeking Him fervently.

As the "herd mentality" for vaccination grows and the government control of fear mongering increases, the persecution will intensify.  There are pediatricians in some states, who, even without legislation; have already determined to stop seeing patients whose parents do not believe in forced immunization and will not submit to a vaccination schedule.  These children need a new doctor or, better yet; The Great Physician!  And said, If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of YHWH thy G-d, and wilt do that which is right in His sight, and wilt give ear to His commandments, and keep all His statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am YHWH that healeth thee.  Exodus 15:26  The next step will be mandated vaccinations in health care workers, then those of public governmental agencies, such as public school and social services.  The mandate is already being introduced in the foster care program in some states.

To define ourselves as "anti" reduces the impact of the positive stand we choose to take.  I am pro-YHWH, therefore; by contrast I am not anti-government mandate, just not in favor or need of such control.  .  I am anti-captivity.  To be honest, I am adamantly against loss of freedom and choice.   I choose health, I choose our Healer.
I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:  Deuteronomy 30:19